
Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Archaeological Sites that are sub par

Bahrain is country that most people do not visit.  It is a small island which you can easily drive across in about an hour and most people say if you visit the other GCC’s, then Bahrain is just the same.  I however disagree with this as this is one of the better GCC’s in that region.  Built up with many high rises and restaurants, the people here are a lot more friendly and down to earth than the other GCC’s and the food is fantastic.  Just a short 45 minute ride to Saudi Arabia, this country with its popular Formula One Race is sure to spark an interest for anyone wanting to see race cars.

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They have what some people call the biggest prehistoric cemetery in the whole world.  Still mysterious in why and how, these huge earthen mounds are found just about everywhere in the island.  Sadly it seems that some have been overtaken by housing projects and their archaeological value is ruined.  You will also find the ancient Barbar Temple that was around a spring that was probably used for some rituals (this is very hard to find as you need a guide and it is in the middle of a neighborhood.  Probably one of the most outstanding structures is a fort that has been used from Mesopotamian times all the way to contemporary times, with each civilization leaving its mark, and excavations still taking place today.

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