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34 responses to “Contact Me”

  1. Danny, wow I’m very impressed with your travels. I would like to pick your brain about your life. I hope to hear from you.
    Kris mena

    • I am in Tanzania now sir. Only two more months until i get back to Egypt. I will be in Middle School I believe this year

  2. Dan you are the great traveller, looking forward to seeing u soon and wishing a nice journey to Tanzania tomorrow.

  3. Mr. Yenshaw I miss you very much I can’t wait till I see you next year. I hope you’ve had fun travelling but guess what man you need to make some money again. Looking forward to seeing you.

  4. Hey Dan!
    Looks like your life is still one big adventure! It’s so cool that you’ve been able to see the world! Miss ya buddy. Hope all is going well! Let me know where you are, Tessa and I are Jeju, South Korea.
    Take care!
    Matt Cushman

    • thanks bud…actually in luxor right now…..getting back to cairo in 5 days….been overlanding through africa for the last 275 days… do you like korea?

  5. Sr. Yenshaw,

    Remember me? We really missed you all these years and always remembered you in our talks! Any time you swing by Miami let me know!

    • Yea I do, hope all is well. Are you going to school in Miami? Just left Egypt and going to Shanghai next school year!

  6. Very impressive!
    I wish I could travel as much as you did.
    Thanks for the delicious food. That’s very kind of you.
    Hope you will enjoy your life here in Shanghai. There are a lot for you to discover.
    All the best!

  7. Hi, Mr. Yenshaw.

    It’s great to see you in class this school year in Shanghai.
    I hope you like the city and the school as well…

  8. I enjoyed your photos and comments on Bangladesh. Wish we had been in Bangladesh when you were there so we could give you insights into the culture. Anyway, your expression took me back to my first days in Bangladesh and how I experienced it. Thanks!
    Sharlene 😀

  9. Hi Daniel

    Very open minded traveler specially to Timor Leste as most of the western countries still see Timor Leste (East Timor) as torn, poor and unstable country when it comes to tourism despite a lot of hard work by done by the government and it’s people.

    Appreciate and grateful to this really positive input.

    Much regards
    Manny Napoleon (Operations Manager) Eco Discovery Timor Leste

  10. do you remember us?
    we forgot everything you taught us lol
    jk we still have the maps and stuff
    is your second fav still alexander the great?
    can you send some pop-tarts over?

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