People are welcoming and friendly to all outsiders, despite the bad press
A quick four night jaunt through the DRC was something that I was always looking forward too. We did not hit any major towns and stayed pretty close to the ocean as we made our way on muddy red dirt roads (which is the main road running through the country). We had to put up several times with rigs stuck in the mud, which delayed our journey sometimes.
It was a country full of friendly people always willing to help you out. The scenery was beautiful as it was situated right in the tropics. Humidity and Heat were always at an all time high. Rain was almost evident pretty much every single afternoon.
It is a shame that DRC gets so much bad press as all the problems they have in the country. But with many of the people wanting to make a change, I for see a great future for this country. As we left this country, we were sad that we could not see more, but there is always time for that in the future…..
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