
Would spend all summer there….but damn expensive!!!

My time in Denmark was a memorable one. It was plagued with a lot of Carlsberg Beer and expensive food. I stayed in a guesthouse type accommodation on the outskirts of Copenhagen. It looked more like a military barracks to me as it had an old tank near out quarters as well as very interesting beds.

Copenhagen itself is a brilliant city with so many things to do. It is a clean city like most Scandinavian Countries with a relatively low crime rate and many people riding their bicycles. I had a chance to jaunt around the city, go swimming, and of course go to the Carlsberg Brewery (which is one of my favorite beers.)


Ill never forget my trip to the world famous Christiania which is a famous hippie commune pretty much set right in the middle of Copenhagen. In this place they refer to themselves as an autonomous region and have their own laws. Smoking Marijuana is allowed but any other hard drugs are not allowed. Oh yea and do not even think about taking pictures, as one of my friends tried it and some guy smashed his camera…..

Please visit the below link for information and pictures of Christiania:


This is definitely a place I WANT to return to, but it is very expensive and I try to live on a somewhat shoe string budget. But chances are that I will get back there again……

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