Not as impressive as everyone thinks, but still nice
Two places I have never been impressed with that are major tourist attractions are England and France. It does not mean that I loathe them, it just means they are crammed with tourists (kinda like me) and prices are sky high.
Nice in the French Riviera is a great place to go and hang out. It too is crammed with tourists, but not on the level Paris is. The beach is very rocky, but the water is lovely blue Mediterranean water. It is from here that you want to take an afternoon trek into near by Monaco….
Arles through snowy towns 2024
Traveling through French Villages in 2024
Bordeaux and Avignon are very small places where you can spend an afternoon. Of course the reason I went there is because of their brilliant history they have. Since I am a history teacher, it makes sense for me to go check these out to see the sites..
Finally, Paris is a beautiful city, yet overrun with tourists and marred by high prices everywhere. I try to stay out of this city as much as possible as I have seen the stuff I want too, including Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, and of course Pere Le Chaise Cemetery where Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde are buried (to me this is reason enough to visit Paris)…..Will I return? Maybe one day on my fictional honeymoon after I have my fictional wedding…..