The story of Rain along the Equator and Bush Camps with stunning scenery….
As we have gotten pretty lucky on our trip with rain so far, it seems that it all decided to come down in one fail swoop while we were in Gabon.
Gabon a country in Africa with enormous wealth and a small population seemed to be the most green of the countries we have been too thus far. I would definitely rank it up there in one of the most scenic countries with rolling hilly jungles and endless rivers as far as the eyes can see
We entered from Cameroon and it was decided that we would not be going to any big cities along the way as we were going to stick to the small roads and small villages.
Our goal (which we didn’t know if we would accomplish because of rain) was Lope National Park. Fortunately we made it to Lope, despite stopping on a dirt road because of heavy rain along the way.

We arrived to Lope with hopes of seeing different types of animals such as Buffalo, Mandrills, Elephants and Chimps. In reality we saw a few herds of Buffalo, some monkeys in a distance, and Elephants as it got too dark. It seems like the trackers for the animals were not out that day to track the animals. We actually saw more monkeys along the road to Lope than we saw in Lope.
Overall Gabon despite all the rain, (5 of 6 days), it taught us to always be prepared. Lighting fires was a different story……and onto Congo….
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