Goqui Island The Return …Again for the Third Time

I have always said if you like a place, then there is not anything you wouldn’t do in order to return to it.  This is my third time on Goqui Island and while this small place may get boring from some people, I am completely happy here with the ambiance and the relaxing atmosphere.  It does not hurt that the abandoned fishing village is one reason I keep coming back again, and again, and now again for the third time.

While the town is small and looks to be turning rather touristy, it still has a small town feel to it and the many alleys that line the streets are beautiful in their right mind.  When the sun is out (not always) the ocean is a beautiful bluish greenish color and people are seen in swarms walking around trying the many seafood delicacies found on the island.  The views from the top of the mountains are breathtaking as you can see the endless oceans for miles……

” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]The abandoned fishing village as mentioned before in a previous post was abandoned some 20-30 years ago and is being taken back by the earth and looks like something out of an apocalyptic movie.   Unfortunately one of the main places was closed due to some of the houses falling but it gave me a chance to concentrate on one part of the village.  As I went into some of the same houses I saw that they were deteriorating more than last year.  Soon enough the earth will swallow them up….

” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]My concentration this time was the many windows that are falling apart and images outside these windows.  Although you are not allowed in a lot of the houses for obvious reasons, I decided I didn’t care and tried to sneak into as many as possible in order to get the photos that I wanted.

” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Being my third time here, I do not think I will go back again unless they open up the other part of the village, but you never know as If you like a place there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do to return……Again, and Again, and Again……and perhaps AGAIN

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