Goqui Island- The Return

An Extra Day added to the island will never hurt anyone

When I went to Goqui Island in October, I fell in love with the Island.  Not because of the abandoned fishing village overgrown with vines all over the houses, but because of the simplicity of the island.  I decided to return in the Spring to see it again and it just keeps getting better and better.  To top it all off, we were stuck on the island for an extra day, because of fog not allowing the ferries to travel, so we got to stay in peace and relaxation for another day.  Even though I missed work, I am not complaining….

A nice walk through the island, you will see people hard at work fixing fishing nets and the great scenery of this archipelago, not to mention the serene relaxing atmosphere of just staring out into the great blue sea….

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The star attraction of this small island is of course the abandoned village on a hidden side of the island.  This was a booming fishing town in the 1980’s then in the blink of an eye, progress hits China and all of the fishermen and their families left for greener pastures in the cities or on the other side of the island, leaving this wonderful place to be swallowed up by mother nature.  With its crumbling buildings and vine covered houses, this place could be a site for a horror movie.  But as mass tourism will start to hit this beautiful place in the next few years, so will all of the serenity and isolation that makes the island beautiful….

If Any student from the APCOGO Class in 2022-2023 sees this, please email me immediately.

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