Highland to Paro

Highlands to Paro

We left the beautiful highlands in the morning on our long road back to Paro seeing the scenery that we passed just days before, and yet it was still amazing as the people were out going about their every day life and the clouds were floating above…

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Our lunch stop was over a lovely rice patty with a lovely waitress who was very shy to take pictures but finally was happy to pose for us and very thankful we wanted to take her photo….

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As we were still up in the highlands we decided to stop by a local roadside stand and saw two highland girls with their red cheeks.  They were quite thankful that I gave them pen and paper and were quite shy but happy to take photos…

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We got to see some monkeys that were jumping from tree to tree on the roadside.  They were a lot shyer than most previous species of Rhesus Macaques that I have seen, however they still decided to pose on the ground or up in trees for pictures…..

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