A country with great Mayan ruins, beautiful beaches, and Islands all around with great lightning storms

Honduras was another country that has always been on my radar because of the beautiful beaches, great food and of course the Copan Ruins.
The Copan Ruins has always been high on my list of Mayan sites because of how well it was preserved, swallowed up by the jungles of time. The Plaza of the Hieroglyphic Staircase has a monumental staircase, one of the greatest structures of the Mayan culture. On the 10-meter-wide steps, there are more than 1,250 individual glyphs, which constitute the longest known Mayan inscription.
Walking around here was extremely hot, but it was not crowded at all which led to me taking my time and looking at everything. As the sun barely beamed through the canopy, it made some wondrous and mysterious photos that would be seen perhaps in an Indiana Jones movie.
Of course another intriguing part to Copan was the Macaw’s sitting up in the trees squawking at people going by and also the rather large spiders that perched themselves in their huge webs between some of the runis that are dusted with green moss…
The next stop after a rather interesting bush camp of a lot of rain was the town of La Ceiba. Some people decided to go to the islands, some people decided to go up to the jungle to do trekking, and I took the other option of staying about 30 minutes out of the city on a beautiful beach and accommodation for a few days and eat good food and go to Cayos Cochinos for the day in order to see some beautiful scenery…and almost ran into a few big Boa Constrictors that were in the bush…..They didn’t really have much interest in me though…
The place I stayed which is one of the better accommodations in the world was La Delphina Bed and Breakfast. The property was amazing with its own private beach and a variety of rooms. The food and bar was great as I overdosed on shrimp cocktails, and the owner Richard was from the USA, so me and him had some great conversations and he made you feel like you were at home. The staff he has employed were great and he went out of his way to do anything for his guests. This is a place I will defiantly go back to and stay for weeks just to relax. For more information on booking and reservations you can look at Booking.com or Hotels.com or simply go to the following web address- La Delphina Bed and Breakfast
There was also fascinating lightning storms over the ocean to be seen as I stayed out to photograph them one night as they were amazing.
I always like to see a culture from road photos I take driving along as out in the countryside is where you see how people live and work vs. in a city environment.
Last but not least, on our way to Nicaragua, we stopped for a few nights at a lake. While I was busy preparing for cook group, I did have a chance to go to what I deem as the most isolated microbrewery called DND Brewery
I guess Honduras was one of my favorite places. It gave me a chance to see some great ruins as well as sit and relax on a beach and work on photos. The people were amazing as were the landscapes….and they also had a Wal-Mart!!!!
3 responses to “Honduras”
You have really transversed the world!! I wish I was moving on with you like rhis
I’m traveling the world vicariously through you!
Your fotos bring back so many memories. I love Central America.