Where Africa starts to divide-North from Sub Sahara
Driving across the border to Western Sahara, we get to “NO MANS LAND”, which is in fact a barren wasteland with broken down cars between the two borders. We spent some time at the border to get our visas and then headed to the town of Nouadibou.
Here we stayed in a campsite in the middle of the city and went about and walked around the city a bit and talked to the locals who vs. the people in Morocco were extremely friendly and not looking to make money off of you. All they wanted to do is speak English and understand why you came to their country.
We then headed to the desert at a National Park for three days in which we did a bush camp. Dirt, dirt and more dirt was all we saw for three days. We stayed in different bush camps by usually large sand dunes or near Savannah like Acacia Trees in order to collect firewood. On the very last night we rode along the beach during low tide in order to find a camp ground, in which we camped by the sea and listened to the waves as they rocked us to sleep.
The next two nights we spent in the capital in Nouakchott, which I was not impressed with unlike Nouadibou. The city seemed to be overcrowded and very dirty. People were always trying to hound you for changing money and cared not to talk to you. It seemed more like a Morocco type environment to me. I did get to go into some shops and talk to some of the people to buy some food for the cooking events. I noticed a slight up on price for simple vegetables as most of it is imported from Morocco. It seemed like the favorite thing that everyone bought was Chicken imported from America…Go Figure!!!!
As we approached the Senegalese border, we knew that we had to camp near the border as the ferry over to Senegal stopped running that night….so another bush camp in a hotel parking lot and we were off to Senegal the next morning……
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One response to “Mauritania”
Looking good as usual. Enjoy the dirt man.