Off the Beaten Path- Easter Island, Chile

Small Island, Big Statues, Big History….

If you want to experience this island, I would strongly recommend you travel with Green Island Tours.  The name of the owner is Marc Shields and he is a top notch guy that will only give you the best service.  Green Island Tours

I traveled here with a friend on Semana Santa (Spring Break) of 2012.  This was always a top place I have wanted to go, and living in South America gave me the opportunity to do just that.  We had to take a flight from Maracaibo to Caracas to Lima to Santiago, and finally to Hanga Roa Airport in Easter Island (needless to say we were dead when we got there.)


Once we got on the island it was pure bliss and a relaxing time.  The food was amazing and so was the beer

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We went around the first day and started checking out all the things that were near our hostel:

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Then the next day Marc(website listed above) took us out for a stroll around part of the island, where we saw some amazing things:

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At night we witnessed an island dance that they used to do (probably more touristy)

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The highlight of the trip was of course the third day in which we went to a sunrise of some of the most famous statues near the water.  As you can see, I had more fun with jumping around than anything!!!!!

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We then headed around the National Park of the Island and to a bunch of unfinished statues.  Theories came about to why they were never moved, but we know that many of them were just left there….

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