
Haggis, Scotch, Highlands, and a Hangover

I really enjoyed my time in Scotland.  I can honestly say that Edinburgh is among my favorite cities because of their relaxed nightlife and the ease it is to get around the city.  I have never pulled so many all nighters in that short span of time, but when your in Scotland, do what the Scottish do.  I had the chance to do just bout everything there was to do there including a day excursion to Loch Ness which was not all it was cracked up to be.  But I have always wanted to visit it….

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I was not a huge fan of Glasgow at all, as it was a more quiet city with a different feel to it, however I went to one of the best comedy shows I have ever been too in my life.  There was really not much to do at night (that I found), and I found myself going to bed early—probably for the best as Edinburgh took too much out of me…The whiskey factory was a good touch to a relaxed time at the end of Glasgow though…