Thank you to John and his family for putting me up. We ended just how we met, at a Japanese Izakaya eating a lot of food!!!! His parents and wife are amazing people and his kids are beautiful!!!

Financial Hub! Expensive! Hot and Humid! But great place and great atmospheres .
I have never liked cities or countries that are financial capitals and lined with concrete buildings, however Singapore is a little different. In just 50 years (Independence was in 1965 from Malaysia, this country has prospered and grown into one of the great cities in the world. Unlike other cities like this I have traveled to, namely Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, this city has its own unique culture and a different feel to it. Its streets are lined with the most pristine and well kept sidewalks and to find a piece of trash on the ground is rare. Everything is quite expensive here, but you have to pay, if you want to play.
Haw Par Villa-this is a theme park that is probably one of the most tripped out places I have ever been. It was made years ago by the inventor of Tiger Balm and puts all these old Chinese legends, philosophies, and tales into concrete sculptures. Even now looking back at the pictures I can honestly say that it was a place that I just dropped my mouth out at every turn. Take a look at the pictures and tell me if you think so….Remember the 10 Courts of Hell of Buddhism and Chinese Mythology is awaiting you. Many of these predate the Western Monotheistic Religions by hundreds of years….hmmmmmm
Jaunts around the city seems to be my favorite thing to do. I like getting dropped off in the middle of town and just meandering and finding my own way to see what I run into. With so many mixing of cultures here, they have different neighborhoods with a variety of ethnic groups, all bringing their style and taste. The buildings are awe inspiring and all paint a picture of this country that is soon to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The Merlion spitting water into the marina and the new sports complex is something not to be missed!!!!
Museums in this city are very well kept and elaborate with a simple taste. Here is an example of a few of them:
Art Museum:
Singaporean History Museum:
Stamp Museum:
Peranaken Museum (Chinese Immigrants who came to Malay Peninsula during British occupation):
Asian Civilizations Museum:
Another Cooking Class. Must i say anymore?
The Cookery Magic school is found in a lady named Ruqxana’s house on the East Side of Singapore. She has her classes very well planned out with menus for each day so people know what they are making. I was impressed with how well she was organized and enjoyed my 7 and last cooking class of this trip!!!!
The sites of this city make it what it is. From the Merlion, to the walks in the park, to going to different parts of the city…..this place has it all. Take it that it was very hot, but that didn’t stop me from doing anything at all, even if it meant wearing me out!!!! Well done Singapore and congrats on your 50th Anniversary!!!