Tigers Nest

Tigers Nest or Paro Taktsang is a Himalayan Buddhist site that is located just a few minutes from the town of Paro.  This site is one of the most iconic and visited places in all of Bhutan and should not be missed if you travel here.

Of course we had our last day of on the road pictures that showed just how colorful this culture is and how beautiful the landscape is no matter where you are in the country….

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The hike up to the Tigers Nest is a bit of a difficult one as 90 percent of the time it is uphill on a very muddy path with more than a few people slipping both up and down.  However along the way you will see many people both old and young making this trek to this sacred site.  Some people even posed for pictures…..

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While we did not actually go into the Tigers nest (line was three hours long as this is a very auspicious day), but we got plenty of pictures of the different vantage points along the trail.  Some of them were covered by clouds at times and some of them by trees, and some of them with the sun shining on the monastery, but all came out beautiful with this lovely monastery built into a hard to reach cliff….

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As the night set in, we were able to get some photos of the fortress which was our first stop at night from our hotel ending an excellent trip with one of the most scenic countries in the world…..

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