For the 2010 trip to Uruguay from Buenos Aires please click here
Taking the Ferry from BA to Uruguay, was something I had done before as it is the easiest way to get into Uruguay. Landing in Colonia del Sacramento after only a 1 hour and 15 minute ride was well worth the money.
Colonia del Sacramento is an old Spanish town like I have seen before in many of the cities of central and South America and this one was in better shape that a lot of them as it caters mostly to tourists as prices start to get more expensive. The old town is a UNESCO site as it is in very good condition with old cobble stone streets and old houses and shops that line the streets and the whole cite has a hint of a European Atmosphere to it with cafe’s and shops.
People going about doing their everyday things was something I was looking for her and managed to get a few photos of just this.
The rest of the Colonia was pretty much standard with old broken down classic cars and some houses in disrepair, while others were in very good shape and seem to have been renovated. The plaza had a beautiful fountain and the surrounding areas full of little pieces of street art.
Montevideo the capital city is an interesting city with a mix of cultures and buildings. In some areas you will find beautiful colonial buildings that are kept up, while in other places you will find dilapidated buildings that are perhaps more than a hundred years old boarded up and falling apart. Still next to everything you will find new condos and buildings that they have started putting in around the center of the city.
The street art in this area was amazing. They seem to have something on just about every other corner and it is often just like street art of past cities, very colorful or has a meaning to it. A few hours walk around and you can find just about everything in this small capital city.