“Why are you taking a year off to travel when you have a great job and get to travel enough already?” Is a question I have been asked in one form or another the last year plus. It has come from students, friends, family, and especially my mom
Is this career execution for me? (Like Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI below)
Why are a lot of people surprised I am doing this? (Like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette when the Third Estate started becoming powerful)
Why are people critical of me doing this? (Just like Josephine was critical of Napoleon all the time)
Yes it is hard to leave Cairo and my students, but it was three good years and I believe their historical understanding is higher than most students in high school from the United States. They will give their history teachers next year a run for their money…..Cruz and Negrete, be prepared
There is no easy way to explain why I am taking 14 months off. But my question to anyone: Why wouldn’t you want to take 14 months off to travel if you could? Take it I am from the USA and the holidays there are slim to none, plus cost of living is very high Wouldn’t this be a great way to divide up your professional career if you could?
Yes I was asked to be an Asst Principal next year at my school which is a major career step for me, but i turned it down. I am sure I will get a chance at it again and this trip has been so important to me for so long……Money is not always everything!!!
So with money not being important, and me wanting a break…this is the perfect time to globe trot for a bit……
Divided into two legs:
June 19-July 30: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore
August 1-4: Greece
August 4-8: Eugene, Oregon
August 8-August 20: El Paso, Texas
August 20-August 24: Knoxville, Tennessee
August 24-September 2- El Paso, Texas
September 2-6: Houston, Texas
September 6- September 21: Cairo, Egypt
September 21- September 26: Munich, Germany (Oktoberfest) and Salzburg, Austria
September 26-October 1: Cairo, Egypt
October 1-October 10: Tunisia (Tunis and Djerba)
October 10-October 14: Cairo, Egypt
October 14-October 25: Greece
October 25-November 12- Albania
November 12-Nov 15: UK
9 month trip overland around Africa (see below map for rough route I am taking).
Approximately Nov 15, 2016 to Aug 12, 2016. This is an overland route in which I will have no tour guide, just a driver on a safari van. Cooking our own meals and sleeping where we can. The best part of this, a lot of it is off the beaten path!!!!!!
Will it be dangerous? Yes!!!! Is there a lot of preparation involved? Oh hell yea…..Am I ready? More than ever……ARISTOTLE ONCE SAID~THERE WAS NEVER A GENIUS WITHOUT A TINCTURE OF MADNESS…..GUESS THAT IS ME!!!!
Kelly, David, Zach……Im coming……
7 responses to “Why would anyone take a break from work to spend 14 months traveling?”
You should come visit me when you come to the uk, I live in manchester!!! Btw is your student Linda from EBV 🙂
Ah I would but i am only there for three days and I have preparation meetings and probably going to get the last of my shots….So close but so far away….hope you are ok and you are not showing up late to class 🙂
Yenshaw I am proud of you!! Before you get to Ghana I can tell you lots of places to go!!!! I can’t wait to see all of your pics. Have lots of Kola nuts when you get to West Africa they can help you out a LOT and get you friends along the way. also a bottle of booze can go along way 🙂
Love you much!!
That looks amazing. Will and I are a little jealous. Enjoy your trip.
Love it! Be safe.
How awesome to think that I had a teacher like you who is now traveling all around the world! I look forward to seeing all the pictures you take and I hope to one day travel around the globe like you do. The travels and the courage you have to do is admirable.
Thanks much Paola. Ill be right back into teaching when I finish traveling. Its not easy to travel but it definitely makes the days worth while!!!!