Yangcheng Lake

A beautiful lake for cycling and Temples just out of Shanghai

A few hours outside of Shanghai there is a beautiful lake that has one of the most beautiful and extravagant Temples I have ever been to.

Yangcheng lake is known for its “Hairy Crabs” which is a delicacy among many Chinese and there were stalls everywhere. 

The temples were simply amazing with people out and about seeing the ornate structures inside and outside.  We were even treated to a meditation session (which I did not participate in), but most of the people I was with were in a calm area for about 15 minutes. 

Cycling around the lake (as i mostly took photos) seems to be a popular attraction, even though it is pretty hectic with people going in and out of the bike lane and children running around.  But a fun place to go for families and people just to enjoy the countryside of getting out of the city.

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I ran across this lady at one of the temples as despite her age, was content with life and looked very happy.  As the sun came from behind the clouds with her propped up against a temple of yellow, I couldn’t help but want to photograph her……

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